Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is it spring yet?

[yawn]  [stretch]  After a long winter’s nap, I opened my eyes and peeked out from the covers.  Is it spring yet?  Not from the view outside my window!  I thought about going back to sleep, but dreams of new spring soaps kept me awake.

Spring Thaw Soap

Although the first official day of spring won’t be until March 20,
I gathered my supplies and made up a batch of Spring Thaw Soap. 

When I formulated the recipe for this particular soap I envisioned the tug of war between the seasons.  Springtime can be a flurry of snow contrasted by the brave green shoots of the season’s first new growth.  With the sun on our side these Spring Thaw Soaps are standing in solidarity against Old Man Winter and looking forward to the warmer and longer days of spring.   

The ingredient list includes saponified lard, palm oil, soybean oil, olive oil, coconut oil.  Through a generous donation from a soap customer, I used an essential oil blend of wintergreen, peppermint, wild marjoram, and eucalyptus.  The snow flurry is achieved with a cosmetic-grade mineral pigment. 

There are several more soaps standing in line patiently awaiting their turn to be featured.  Stay tuned! 


  1. Beautiful! I can smell it opening up my nasal passages! Wakes me up!
    Now where do I get some???

  2. Thank you Nikki and Sarah! This Spring Thaw Soap has to cure for the rest of the month and then I'll be taking all my soaps to the Glendive Spring Fling sale on April 14-15. If you want anything before I go just let me know.


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