Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oatmeal Scrub Soap

Oatmeal Scrub Soap
Oatmeal Scrub is a soap that I will always make … because it’s one of my favorites!  The scrubbiness of the ground oatmeal enhances the generous, creamy lather.  The fragrance is a perfect marriage of oatmeal, milk, and honey – mellow, soothing, with just a hint of sweetness. 

Think of how you feel when you eat “comfort food.”  
Bathing with Oatmeal Scrub Soap is like bathing with “comfort soap!” 

The ingredient list includes tallow, soybean oil, olive oil, coconut oil, evaporated milk, 
ground oatmeal, and fragrance oil. 
Oatmeal Scrub Soap


  1. I like seeing the raw ingredients next to the soap. Very bien.

  2. I think this is my favorite so far....Love the smell and it softens my dry skin.

  3. Thanks, Nikki. I think it's one of my favorites, too. I have made this soap many times and still enjoy it.


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