Thursday, March 17, 2011

Warm Earth Soap

As we see winter yielding to spring and releasing its icy cold grip on the countryside, thoughts of spring activities come to mind.  Even though calving is underway at the current time, before we know it, branding will be the next order of business and this roundup scene on our ranch in southeastern Montana will soon be repeated.  Planting in the garden will follow closely after that. 

Warm Earth Soap

Warm Earth Soap evokes a warm, spicy fragrance with essential oils of clove, nutmeg, and ginger.  Cinnamon and nutmeg spices are swirled throughout to add visual effect and enhance the earthy aroma of the soap. 

The ingredients of Warm Earth Soap include palm oil, soybean oil, olive oil, coconut oil, ginger spice, nutmeg spice, and an essential oil blend of clove, nutmeg, and ginger.  

My husband decided right away that Warm Earth Soap was his favorite.  It was even his idea that we do a photo shoot of him washing his hands with his favorite soap!

Warm Earth Soap does a great job
 of cleaning this rancher’s hardworking hands.


  1. I love the pictures! This soap sounds wonderful and Dad is doing a good job with hand-washing. :) Also, the landscape photo is awesome and reminds me how beautiful spring is on the ranch!

  2. The photo is awesome because Nick took the picture!

  3. I can hardly wait to get my 'hands' on this stuff!


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