Thursday, November 10, 2011

Please stop by to visit or to check out my soaps!

Did you think I was going
to forget them?


  1. I just love your soaps! Everytime I wash my hands with them I take extra long because they get so sudsy and feel so smooth. Its soothing! I
    love the new stamp in the soap! I wanted to get some to give as Christmas gifts, but we'll be leaving Monday morning going back on the road and I can't get to any of the shows you'll be at. Is there any way I can "order" some and have Peggy Johnson pick it up for me? Or do you have another suggestion? Thanks!
    Sarah Johnson

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. HOPE the weather cooperates November 20! I REALLY want MORE soap! Wonderful gift set!
    OH and the caramels....NEVER tasted anything like 'em! DELISH!

  4. Sarah, it was absolutely lovely visiting with you and Peggy on Sunday. Thank you so much for the soap compliments. I'm glad you were able to get some soaps before you hit the road again. It was fascinating to hear about your over-the-road truck driving experiences. I am totally impressed!

  5. Mrs. Badlands, I am making caramels this week and will save a little stash for you. I will also give you my recipe which is from an old Betty Crocker Cookbook.


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