Monday, October 24, 2011

Oatmeal Scrub Soap

It's been so long since I have posted that it is almost time for Halloween! 

Soapy thoughts and ideas are always on my mind, but other things become a priority in the summer time.  Since I last wrote life on the ranch has been busy.  With an abundant hay crop June and July were spent putting up a record number of hay bales.  I enjoyed planting a garden and tending to it all summer long.  In August I rode in my seventh annual week-long bike trip in North Dakota which is an event I look forward to every year.  Trying to squeeze in biking time with haying time is quite a challenge. 

In September I managed to make several new batches
of soap for Christmas shows. 

It was fun to get back in the soapmaking groove!  

I started out with one of my personal favorites, Oatmeal Scrub Soap.

The Oatmeal Scrub Soap ingredient list includes tallow, soybean oil, shea butter, olive oil, milk, coconut oil, ground oatmeal, and fragrance oil.


  1. Love the soap stamp!
    Oatmeal is my far!

  2. How did you do your cool pic? Your blog is so CREATIVE!

  3. I know NOTHING about photography, but just take the photos against a backdrop of parchment paper. Then, I work with an editing program I've had since 2002, Microsoft Picture It! I fuss around with the photo editing until it looks like I want it to. Nothing fancy going on here!

  4. Looks quite fancy to me!
    Thanks again for the oatmeal scrub soap!
    I will have to look into Microsoft Picture It! I need a way to 'fix' some of my photos.

  5. I don't know if you can even purchase it anymore. I think their photo editing software has upgraded a lot since then. Good luck on that.


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